Formula Shortcut

Here’s a tip from Charles Kyd. Press Control+Shift+A after you’ve typed the first parenthesis of a function and Excel fills in the argument names.

Type the function name and the open parenthesis:

Press Control+Shift+A to see the arguments:

Since I use Excel 2000 for almost all of my development (and it doesn’t have that handy function intellisense), this shortcut has come in handy for those lesser used functions. Similarly, Control+A pressed at that time will open the function wizard, a feature I seldom use.

Just when I think I know every keyboard shortcut, I learn another one. Thanks Charles.

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6 thoughts on “Formula Shortcut

  1. Dick,

    Here is my cheatsheet of shortcuts that I picked up somewhere. I keep this list up at the top of my Excel based PIM workbook so that it is always available and easy to search. Just paste the list into a worksheet and keep it handy.


    Alt + Shift + F1Inserts a new worksheet into the active workbook
    Alt + Down ArrowDisplays the Pick From List drop-down list
    Ctrl + “1?Displays the (Format > Cells) dialog box
    Ctrl + Page DownMoves to the next worksheet in the active workbook
    Ctrl + TabMoves to the next workbook or window
    Ctrl + Shift + TabMoves to the previous workbook or window
    Ctrl + Shift + Down ArrowSelects all the cells to the end of the current region
    F11Creates a chart (on a chart sheet) using the highlighted range
    Shift + F9Calculates just the active worksheet

    F1Displays the Office Assistant or (Help > Microsoft Excel Help)
    F2Edits the active cell, putting the cursor at the end*
    F3Displays the (Insert > Name > Paste) dialog box
    F4Repeats the last worksheet action (Edit > Repeat)
    F5Displays the (Edit > GoTo) dialog box
    F6Moves to the next pane in a workbook (if the window is split)
    F7Displays the (Tools > Spelling) dialog box
    F8Toggles whether to extend a selection with the arrow keys
    F9Calculates All the worksheets in All the open workbooks
    F10Toggles the activation of the Menu Bar
    F11Displays the (Insert > Chart) dialog box that creates a chart (on a chart sheet) using the highlighted range
    F12Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box
    Shift + F1Activates the context sensitive Whats this ? prompt (Help > Whats This)
    Shift + F2Inserts or edits a cell comment (Insert > Comment)
    Shift + F3Displays the (Insert > Function) dialog box
    Shift + F4Repeats the last Find, the same as (Edit > Find Next)
    Shift + F5Displays the (Edit > Find) dialog box
    Shift + F6Moves to the previous pane in a workbook (if the window is split)
    Shift + F8Toggles between switching Add Mode on or off*
    Shift + F9Calculates just the active worksheet
    Shift + F10Displays the (Shortcut) menu for the selected item
    Shift + F11Inserts a new worksheet into the active workbook (Insert > Worksheet)
    Shift + F12Saves, Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box if a new workbook
    Ctrl + . (period)scroll thru corners of selected range.
    Ctrl + F3Displays the (Insert > Name > Define) dialog box
    Ctrl + F5Restores the size of the active workbook or window
    Ctrl + F6Moves to the next open workbook or window
    Ctrl + F7Activates the Move window command
    Ctrl + F8Activates the Resize window command
    Ctrl + F9Minimises the size of the active workbook or window
    Ctrl + F10Maximises the size of the active workbook or window
    Ctrl + F12Displays the (File > Open) dialog box
    Alt + F1Creates a chart (on a chart sheet) using the highlighted range
    Alt + F2Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box
    Alt + F4Closes all the workbooks (saving first) and exits Excel (File > Exit)
    Alt + F8Displays the (Tools > Macro > Macros) dialog box
    Alt + F11Toggles between the Visual Basic Editor window and the Excel window
    Alt + Ctrl + F9Calculates All cells on All worksheets in All workbooks
    Alt + Shift + F1Inserts a new worksheet into the active workbook (Insert > Worksheet)
    Alt + Shift + F2Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box
    Alt + Shift + F10Displays the drop-down menu for the corresponding Smart tag
    Alt + Shift + F11Activates the Microsoft Script Editor window
    Ctrl + Shift + F3Displays the (Insert > Name > Create) dialog box
    Ctrl + Shift + F6Moves to the previous open workbook or window
    Ctrl + Shift + F10Activates the Menu Bar or Displays the (View > Toolbars) dialog box
    Ctrl + Shift + F12Displays the (File > Print) dialog box
    Insert + F4Read spelling errors and suggestions ??
    Ctrl + “0?Hides the columns in the current selection (Format > Column > Hide)
    Ctrl + “1?Displays the (Format > Cells) dialog box
    Ctrl + “2?Toggles bold on the current selection
    Ctrl + “3?Toggles italics on the current selection
    Ctrl + “4?Toggles underlying on the current selection
    Ctrl + “5?Toggles the strikethrough of text on the current selection
    Ctrl + “6?Toggles between hiding, displaying or displaying just placeholders (objects)
    Ctrl + “7?Toggles the display of the Standard toolbar
    Ctrl + “8?Toggles the display of Outline symbols on the active worksheet
    Ctrl + “9?Hides the rows in the current selection (Format > Row > Hide)
    Ctrl + Shift + “0?Unhides the columns in the current selection
    Ctrl + Shift + “2?Enters the value from the cell directly above into the active cell
    Ctrl + Shift + “8?Selects the current region (surrounded by blank rows and columns)
    Ctrl + Shift + “9?Unhides the rows in the current selection
    Ctrl + “A”Displays the formula palette given a function name or selects the whole worksheet
    Ctrl + “B”Toggles bold on the current selection
    Ctrl + “C”Copies the current selection to the clipboard (Edit > Copy)
    Ctrl + “D”Copies the first cell in the selection downwards (Edit > Fill > Down)
    Ctrl + “E”Goto current Error ??
    Ctrl + “F”Displays the (Edit > Find) dialog box
    Ctrl + “G”Displays the (Edit > GoTo) dialog box
    Ctrl + “H”Displays the (Edit > Replace) dialog box
    Ctrl + “I”Toggles italics on the current selection
    Ctrl + “J”Toggles calculation between Manual and Automatic ??
    Ctrl + “K”Displays the (Insert > Hyperlink) dialog box
    Ctrl + “N”Creates a new workbook (File > New)
    Ctrl + “O”Displays the (File > Open) dialog box
    Ctrl + “P”Displays the (File > Print) dialog box
    Ctrl + “R”Copies the leftmost cell in the selection to the right (Edit > Fill > Right)
    Ctrl + “S”Saves, Displays the (File > Save As) dialog box if a new workbook
    Ctrl + “U”Toggles underlining on the current selection
    Ctrl + “V”Pastes the entry from the clipboard (Edit > Paste)
    Ctrl + “W”Closes the active workbook or window (File > Close)
    Ctrl + “X”Cuts the current selection to the clipboard (Edit > Cut)
    Ctrl + “Y”Repeats the last action (Edit > Repeat)
    Ctrl + “Z”Undo the last action (Edit > Undo)
    Alt + “C”Move the selected field into the Column area (Pivot Table)
    Alt + “D”Displays the (Data) menu
    Alt + “E”Displays the (Edit) menu
    Alt + “F”Displays the (File) menu
    Alt + “H”Displays the (Help) menu
    Alt + “I”Displays the (Insert) menu
    Alt + “L”Displays the Pivot Table Field dialog box ??
    Alt + “O”Displays the (Format) menu
    Alt + “P”Move the selected field into the Page area (Pivot Table)
    Alt + “R”Move the selected field into the Row area (Pivot Table)
    Alt + “T”Displays the (Tools) menu
    Alt + “U”Activates the AutoShapes submenu on the Drawing toolbar*
    Alt + “V”Displays the (View) menu
    Alt + “W”Displays the (Window) menu
    Alt + Shift + “B”Report on the cell borders ??
    Alt + Shift + “G”Report the gridline status ??
    Ctrl + Shift + “A”Inserts argument names given a function in the formula bar.
    Ctrl + Shift + “C”List cells in current column ???
    Ctrl + Shift + “F”Activates the Font Name drop-down list on the Formatting toolbar
    Ctrl + Shift + “H”Selects all the hyperlinks ?? where
    Ctrl + Shift + “O”Selects all the cells with comments
    Ctrl + Shift + “P”Activates the Font Size drop-down list on the Formatting toolbar
    Ctrl + Shift + “R”List cells in the current row ???
    Ctrl + Shift + “S”List all the worksheets ??
    EnterEnters the contents of the active cell and moves to the cell below (by default)
    Shift + EnterEnters the contents of the active cell and moves to the cell above (by default)
    TabEnters the contents of the active cell and moves one cell to the right
    Shift + TabEnters the contents of the active cell and moves one cell to the left
    Alt + ” = “Enters the SUM() function (AutoSum) to sum the adjacent block of cells
    Alt + 0128Enters the euro symbol (€) (using Number keypad)
    Alt + 0162Enters the cent symbol (¢) (using Number keypad)
    Alt + 0163Enters the pound sign symbol (£) (using Number keypad)
    Alt + 0165Enters the yen symbol (¥) (using Number keypad)
    Alt + EnterEnters a new line (or carriage return) into a cell
    Ctrl + ” ‘ “Enters the formula from the cell directly above into the active cell
    Ctrl + Shift + “2?Enters the value from the cell directly above into the active cell
    Ctrl + ” ; “Enters the current date into the active cell
    Ctrl + EnterEnters the contents of the active cell to the selected region
    Ctrl + Shift + ” ; “Enters the current time into the active cell
    Ctrl + Shift + EnterEnters the formula as an Array Formula
    Shift + InsertEnters the data from the clipboard
    Alt + Down ArrowDisplays the Pick From List drop-down list
    EscCancels the cell entry and restores the original contents
    DeleteDeletes the selection or one character to the right
    BackspaceDeletes the selection or one character to the left
    Shift + DeleteCuts the selection to the clipboard
    Ctrl + DeleteDeletes text to the end of the line
    Ctrl + ” – “Displays the (Edit > Delete) dialog box
    Ctrl + Shift + ” = “Displays the (Insert > Cells) dialog box
    Ctrl + ” “Selects the cells in a selected row that do not match the value in the active cell
    Ctrl + Shift + ” “Selects the cells in a selected column that do not match the value in the active cell
    Ctrl + ” / “Selects the array containing the active cell ??
    Alt + ” ; “Selects the visible cells in the current selection
    Ctrl + EnterSelects the first object / chart ??
    Ctrl + Shift + “8?Selects the current region (surrounded by blank rows and columns)
    Ctrl + ” * “Selects the current region (using the * on the number keyboard)
    Ctrl + ” [ “Selects all the cells that are directly referred to by the formula in the active cell (precedents)
    Ctrl + Shift + ” [ “Selects all the cells that are directly (or indirectly) referred to by the formula in the active cell
    Ctrl + ” ] “Selects all the cells that directly refer to the active cell (dependents)
    Ctrl + Shift + ” ] “Selects all the cells that directly (or indirectly) refer to the active cell
    Ctrl + Shift + Page DownSelects the active worksheet and the one after it
    Ctrl + Shift + Page UpSelects the active worksheet and the one before it
    Ctrl + Shift + SpacebarSelects all the objects on the worksheet when an object is selected or selects the whole worksheet
    Ctrl + BackspaceSelects the current active cell (scrolling if necessary)
    Ctrl + SpacebarSelects the current column
    Shift + Arrow keysSelects the active cell and the cell in the given direction
    Shift + BackspaceSelects the active cell when multiple cells are selected
    Shift + SpacebarSelects the current row
    Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeyExtends the selection to the next cell adjacent to a blank cell in that direction
    Ctrl + Shift + EndExtends the selection to the last used cell on the worksheet
    Ctrl + Shift + HomeExtends the selection to the beginning of the worksheet
    Shift + Arrow KeysExtends the selection by one cell in that direction
    Shift + HomeExtends the selection to the first column
    Shift + Page DownExtends the selection down one screen
    Shift + Page UpExtends the selection up one screen
    End, Shift + Arrow KeysExtends the selection to the next non-blank cell in that direction
    End, Shift + EndExtends the selection to the last cell in the current row*
    End, Shift + HomeExtends the selection to last used cell on the worksheet
    Alt + ” ‘ “Displays the (Format > Style) dialog box
    Ctrl + Shift + ” ‘ “Applies the Time format “hh:mm” to the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” 1 “Applies the Comma separated format “#,##0.00? to the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” 4 “Applies the Currency format “£#,##0.00? to the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” 5 “Applies the Percentage format “0%” to the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” 6 “Applies the Exponential format “#,##E+02? to the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” # “Applies the General number format “0.00? to the selection
    Ctrl + ” # “Applies the Date format “dd-mmm-yy” to the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” 7 “Applies the outline border to the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” – “Removes all the borders from the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” _ “Removes an outline border from the selection
    Arrow KeysMoves to the next cell in that direction
    Ctrl + TabMoves to the next open workbook or window
    Alt + TabMoves to the next application open on your computer
    Alt + Shift + TabMoves to the previous application open on your computer
    EnterMoves to the cell directly below
    TabMoves to the next cell on the right (or unprotected cell)
    HomeMoves to the first column in the current row
    End, Arrow KeysMoves to the next non empty cell in that direction
    End, EnterMoves to the last cell in the current row that is not blank
    End, HomeMoves to the last used cell on the active worksheet*
    Page DownMoves you one screen of rows down
    Page UpMoves you one screen of rows up
    Shift + EnterMoves to the cell directly above (opposite direction to Enter)
    Shift + TabMoves to the cell directly to the left (opposite direction to Tab)
    Alt + Page DownMoves you one screen of columns to the right
    Alt + Page UpMoves you one screen of columns to the left
    Ctrl + HomeMoves to cell “A1? on the active sheet
    Ctrl + EndMoves to the last used cell on the active worksheet*
    Ctrl + Up ArrowMoves to the first row in the current region
    Ctrl + Down ArrowMoves to the last row in the current region
    Ctrl + Left ArrowMoves to the first column in the current region
    Ctrl + Right ArrowMoves to the last column in the current region
    Ctrl + Page UpMoves to the previous worksheet in the workbook
    Ctrl + Page DownMoves to the next worksheet in the workbook
    Ctrl + Shift + TabMoves to the previous open workbook or window
    Ctrl + BackspaceMoves to the display the active cell
    Scroll Lock + Arrow KeysMoves the workbook or window one cell the corresponding direction
    Scroll Lock + EndMoves to the last cell in the current window
    Scroll Lock + HomeMoves to the first cell in the current window
    Scroll Lock + Page DownMoves you down one screen (current selection unchanged)
    Scroll Lock + Page UpMoves you up one screen (current selection unchanged)
    EnterMoves from top to bottom within a selection
    TabMoves from left to right within a selection
    Ctrl + ” . “Moves clockwise to the next corner within a selection
    Shift + TabMoves from right to left within a selection (opposite direction to Tab)
    Alt + Ctrl + Left ArrowMoves to the left between non adjacent cells in a selection
    Alt + Ctrl + Right ArrowMoves to the right between non adjacent cells in a selection
    =Starts a Formula
    Ctrl + ” ‘ “Toggles between the value layer and the formula layer
    Ctrl + DeleteDeletes to the end of the line
    Ctrl + InsertCopies the current selection to the clipboard
    Ctrl + Shift + ” ( “Unhides any hidden rows within the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” ) “Unhides any hidden columns within the selection
    Ctrl + Shift + ” / “Copy value from cell above / select the array ??
    Ctrl + Shift + ” “Select unequal cells
    AltToggles the activation of the Menu Bar
    Alt + Shift + Left ArrowDisplays the (Data > Group and Outline > UnGroup) dialog box
    Alt + Shift + Right ArrowDisplays the (Data > Group and Outline > Group) dialog box
    Alt + BackspaceUndo the last action (Edit > Undo) ??
    Alt + SpacebarActivates the Control Box in the top left hand corner
    Alt + ” – “Displays the Excel application control menu
    EndToggles between switching End Mode on or off
    Scroll LockToggles between switching Scroll Lock on or off
    Shift + InsertPastes the entry from the clipboard
    Ctrl + F2Displays the Info Window (redundant)
    Ctrl + F4Closes the active workbook or window (redundant)
    Ctrl + F11Inserts an Excel 4.0 macro sheet (redundant)

  2. Jim,

    The list came out a little different than I thought it would. I pasted the text from a tab delimited txt file so that the shortcuts would be in one column and the descriptions would be in the next column to the right. Makes it easier to read or search I think.

    If you would rather have it like that, drop me an email at


  3. This only works when you start a formula with an “=”, not a “+” operator

    For years I have started excel formulas with a “+” instead of an “=”
    probably a throw back to the Open Access days under DOS.

    Now I have an excuse to change.


  4. Like Tom, I tediously formatted the shortcut list in Word by adding Tabs after each shortcut and then pasting into Excel using the Paste Special / HTML option. In formatting the columns and rows in Excel I immediately discovered a shortcut missing from the list of 239 shortcuts.
    Alt + Enter Repeats last command while not entering/editing a cell.

Posting code? Use <pre> tags for VBA and <code> tags for inline.

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